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Use maven2sbt CLI

How to Use CLI#

Now you can run it like

$ maven2sbt --help 
Usage:  Maven2Sbt (file ARGS... | print ARGS...) [-v|--version VERSION] [-h|--help HELP]
A tool to convert Maven pom.xml into sbt build.sbt
Available options:  -v|--version VERSION    Prints the application version.  -h|--help HELP          Prints the synopsis and a list of options and arguments.

Available commands:  file                    Convert pom.xml to sbt config and save in the file  print                   Convert pom.xml to sbt config and print it out

Save as sbt Config File#

$ maven2sbt file --help
Usage:  Maven2Sbt file -s|--scala-version <version> [-b|--scala-binary-version-name                 <scala-binary-version-name>] [--props-name <props-name>]                 [--libs-name <libs-name>] [-o|--out <file>] [--overwrite]                 <pom-path> [-h|--help HELP]
Convert pom.xml to sbt config and save in the file
Available options:  --overwrite             Overwrite if the output file already exists.  -s|--scala-version <version> Scala version  -b|--scala-binary-version-name <scala-binary-version-name> The name of Scala                          binary version property. This is useful to figure out                          if it is a Scala library or Java library                          e.g.)                          -b scala.binary                          # or                          --scala-binary-version-name scala.binary                          ---                          <properties>                            <scala.binary>2.13</scala.binary>                          </properties>                          <dependencies>                            <dependency>                              <groupId>io.kevinlee</groupId>                              <artifactId>myLib1_${scala.binary}</artifactId>                              <version>0.1.0</version>                            </dependency>                            <dependency>                              <groupId>io.kevinlee</groupId>                              <artifactId>myLib2</artifactId>                              <version>0.2.0</version>                            </dependency>                          </dependencies>                          ---                          results in                          "io.kevinlee" %% "myLib1" % "0.1.0"                          "io.kevinlee" % "myLib2" % "0.1.0"                          ---  --props-name <props-name> properties object name (e.g. 'props' in `lazy val                          props = new {}`) (default: props)  --libs-name <libs-name> The name of the object containing all the libraries to                          re-use (e.g. 'libs' in `lazy val libs = new {}`)                          (default: libs)  -o|--out <file>         output sbt config file (default: build.sbt)  -h|--help HELP          Prints the synopsis and a list of options and arguments.
Positional arguments:  <pom-path>              Path to the pom file.


$ maven2sbt file --scala-version 2.13.4 --scala-binary-version-name scalaBinaryVersion pom.xml# or$ maven2sbt file -s 2.13.4 -b scalaBinaryVersion pom.xml


$ maven2sbt file --scala-version 2.13.4 --props-name myProps pom.xml# or$ maven2sbt file -s 2.13.4 --props-name myProps pom.xml

It will generate build.sbt.

Save sbt config in a different file.

maven2sbt file --scala-version 2.13.4 --out something-else.sbt pom.xml# ormaven2sbt file -s 2.13.4 -o something-else.sbt pom.xml

It will generate something-else.sbt.

I may faile if the output file already eixsts. If you want to overwrite, use the --overwrite option.

# build.sbt already exists and want to overwritemaven2sbt file --scala-version 2.13.4 --overwrite pom.xml# ormaven2sbt file -s 2.13.4 --overwrite pom.xml
# something-else.sbt already exists and want to overwritemaven2sbt file --scala-version 2.13.4 --out something-else.sbt --overwrite pom.xml# ormaven2sbt file -s 2.13.4 -o something-else.sbt --overwrite pom.xml

Print Out#

$ maven2sbt print --help
Usage:  Maven2Sbt print -s|--scala-version <version> [-b|--scala-binary-version-name                  <scala-binary-version-name>] [--props-name <props-name>]                  [--libs-name <libs-name>] <pom-path> [-h|--help HELP]
Convert pom.xml to sbt config and print it out
Available options:  -s|--scala-version <version> Scala version  -b|--scala-binary-version-name <scala-binary-version-name> The name of Scala                          binary version property. This is useful to figure out                          if it is a Scala library or Java library                          e.g.)                          -b scala.binary                          # or                          --scala-binary-version-name scala.binary                          ---                          <properties>                            <scala.binary>2.13</scala.binary>                          </properties>                          <dependencies>                            <dependency>                              <groupId>io.kevinlee</groupId>                              <artifactId>myLib1_${scala.binary}</artifactId>                              <version>0.1.0</version>                            </dependency>                            <dependency>                              <groupId>io.kevinlee</groupId>                              <artifactId>myLib2</artifactId>                              <version>0.2.0</version>                            </dependency>                          </dependencies>                          ---                          results in                          "io.kevinlee" %% "myLib1" % "0.1.0"                          "io.kevinlee" % "myLib2" % "0.1.0"                          ---  --props-name <props-name> properties object name (e.g. 'props' in `lazy val                          props = new {}`) (default: props)  --libs-name <libs-name> The name of the object containing all the libraries to                          re-use (e.g. 'libs' in `lazy val libs = new {}`)                          (default: libs)  -h|--help HELP          Prints the synopsis and a list of options and arguments.
Positional arguments:  <pom-path>              Path to the pom file.


$ maven2sbt print --scala-version 2.13.4 --scala-binary-version-name scalaBinaryVersion pom.xml# or$ maven2sbt print -s 2.13.4 -b scalaBinaryVersion pom.xml


$ maven2sbt print --scala-version 2.13.4 --props-name myProps pom.xml# or$ maven2sbt print -s 2.13.4 --props-name myProps pom.xml

It will print out the content of build.sbt generated from the given pom.xml